Excel: Beginner To Intermediate Course

This concise course is perfect for getting complete beginners comfortable with Excel as well as those who have been away from Excel for a long time. In fact, I recommend all students at the very least work through this once to ensure you are prepared for the more advanced material to come. By the end of this approximate 90mins of training, you will be at an Intermediate level of understanding Excel.

Course Curriculum

1. Navigating around Excel
2. Entering Information
3. Navigating without the Mouse
4. Basic Formatting
5. Dragging & Autofill
6. Copy & Paste
7. Clearing cells
8. Inserting & Deleting
9. Date Basics
10. Introduction to Formulas
11. Introduction to Formulas: Part 2
12. Introduction to Formulas: Autosum
13. More on Worksheets
14. More Borders
15. Printing considerations
16. Conditional Formatting
17. Charts
18. Autofilter
19. Sorting Data
20. Introduction to Text Data
21. Named Ranges
22. Data Validation
23. Advanced Data Formatting




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