Microsoft Access Course

Access has been around for over two decades and it’s not going anywhere due to it’s ability to be ‘up and running’ very quickly! Sure, big companies like big databases that serve the company needs on an enterprise level but the value of access is about what can be done at a local level, in small teams and on smaller or temporary projects.

For example if you are working in a small company and you want to be able to manage your data whether that be some kind of sales data, expenses, marketing information or project focus data and you need to get up and running quickly with a database to handle it, well Access is definitely the tool for you. You can be up and running in an afternoon with no need to get IT permissions or ask for a big budget! That’s why Access is known as a self-serving or end-user tool.

Given that is how Access is now used we have built a course with exactly that in mind, to teach you how to use Access for it to be a great end-user tool that you can get up and running quickly but also give your Database more advanced capability if you wish to.

In order to build the right course for you, we worked with Guy Vaccaro, who has been building Databases, including Access Databases for over two decades. Rather than build an unnecessarily long training, Guy has condensed his two decades of mastery in under 6.5 very focused hours, not learning unnecessary functionality so you can get up and running and maintaining your database in a very quick time frame!

Course Curriculum

(Click for details)

Module 1:  Creating Tables

Module 2:  Creating Queries

Module 3:   Action Queries

Module 4:  Linking Tables

Module 5:  Creating Forms

Module 6:  Creating SubForms

Module 7:  Creating SplitForms

Module 8:  Creating Reports

Module 9:  Exporting Data

Module 10:  Importing Data

Module 11:  Building VBA/Macros




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